Let's get buzzing with excitement as we learn about bees! Learn the parts of a bee, pretend to be bees buzzing from flower to flower, pretend to be a beekeeper and inspect the hive, feed the bees pollen, build a bee hive, learn about pollination, the lifecycle of a bee and go on a letter hunt in the trees and more. Great for a bees preschool theme or use at home!
Our unit has over 40 activities to help our young learners learn all about Bees.
Our Bees unit includes activities for:
-Cooking and food activities
-Fine motor
-Gross motor
-Art and craft
-Songs and poems
-Book list
-Printable Beekeeper dramatic play
-Playdough mats
So much hands on learning can be had exploring the important role bees play in our environment.
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